Here's the knee-jerk reactions list I hinted at earlier. Admittedly it feels much less clever/impactful after this morning's tirade.
- Though it's not like people never say it, Neko Case is a lot more country than she's given credit for
- Not exactly a big revelation here, but chicks with instruments are much sexier
- The Granada has hands down the best sound system in town
- There aren't nearly enough Neko/Jenny Lewis comparisons out there
- A flawless performance is secondary to an interesting song
- Not exactly sure what 'Vietnamese coffee' is but my interest is definitely piqued.
- After last night I am definitely more interested in the tenor guitar
- Maybe it's just one disgruntled short guy's opinion, but does Neko have a taller-than-average fan base?
- A.C. Newman's album is by far the better New Pornographers solo album released this year. Period.
- Fans in this town WILL show up at your venue in force on a Monday if you actually book a top-notch act